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Forum Posts

USART IDLE Line Interrupt

I have an idle interrupt, on usart2 handle;void USART2_IRQHandler(void)   {   /* USER CODE BEGIN USART2_IRQn 0 */   /* UART IDLE Interrupt */   if(__HAL_UART_GET_FLAG(&huart2, UART_FLAG_IDLE) == SET)   {   __HAL_UART_CLEAR_IDLEFLAG(&hu...

DCtech by Associate II
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Interrupt Latency Measurement

Hello,I have three interrupts,One from EXTI4, which has NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0One from EXTI9_5 which has NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 1One from TIM4 which has NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 2For testing purposes, EXTI4 and ...

JTone.1 by Associate
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DMA - Normal vs Circular

Hello, what's the difference between the "Normal" and "Circular" modes of the STM32 DMA ?As far as I understand - "Circular" will write to the first address, auto increment the address to the next one until the last address is reached and then return...

skon.1 by Senior
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Hello, I am using stm32f407vgt6 that supports fsmc, I need to extend the RAM; is it possible to interface hyperbus RAM chips using the FSMC? if not what are the possible alternatives? kinly note stm32f407vgt does not support QSPI.

Hyperbus RAMs requires 12 pins for implementation and offer decent speed. I have already 16 spare pins for the data/address and 10 other pins for fsmc handshaking. have any one tested this option before? is this easily implemented using HAL library o...

JAbde.1 by Associate
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Sharing flash sector when using dual-bank mode.

Hi,I'm using the flash in a dual-bank mode. I would like to have a common (shared) sector between the 2 banks for storing configuration data. This becomes somewhat tricky when addresses are shifting according to the active bank. How should I go about...

Eitan by Associate
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What's the macro for NUCLEO-G474RE?

I tried this tutorial - - Build STM32 applications with Eclipse, GCC and STM32Cube. In the last,it was said:we have to declare which MCU we are using defining a global ...

MQi.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! Problem Using Jump_To_Application() in IAP Bootloader

Hello ST community!I'm using a stm32F417VGT6 to perform an IAP in Keil the bootloader, using the binary file on a SD card, I read executed binary program and write it on flash memory. then i use Jump_To_Application() to start the new app. Ever...

Seyed by Associate III
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