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Forum Posts

Resolved! Why is does the ADC stay on 2048 (12Bit)?

Hello Our STM32G4 is measuring a sinus-ADC value with offset. The offset is at VDDA/2.Our ADC measurement shows a plateau at the offset, even, when the sinus signal is crossing the VDDA/2 (see attached picture).The signal them self seems to be ok (me...

RGmün.1 by Associate II
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How reinit UART?

After reset MCU init UART - 8bits, no parity bit, init DMA RX and TX, interrupts on - works Ok.Reinit UART - 9 bits, even parity bit, no DMA - works Ok.Reinit UART the same as p.1 - doesn't work interrupts.

EAlek.2 by Associate II
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Gimbal 3-axis with STM32 and MPU6050

Hi I have been thinking about making a 3 axis gimbal with Arduino and an MPU6050 for some time now. I went around the internet for a while and saw that there is a project that manages to control three brushless motors only with arduino as if they wer...

SCasa.2 by Associate
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Nuclel STM32F303K8 TIM2 as Encoder

I'm working to read 2 identical encoders from 2 identical motor drivers.I use TIM2 and TIM3 to read the encoders.The encoder at TIM3 works properly, but the encoders at TIM2, I could see in debug mode the IRQ but the register CNT is zero. But every t...

FTrom by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H745 SDMMC DMA Rx Overrun/Tx Underrun

Hi,I am working on STM32H745 discovery board and trying to configure the onboard 4GB eMMC flash over SDHC1 interface. I am loading default discovery board configuration by the CubeMx configuration, which sets both M7 and M4 and all AHB buses to run a...

Joyabb by Associate II
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how to protect analog inputs ?

I've seen the discussion in an old question here, ADC inputs are not 5v tolerant in ADC mode.I started studying some Zener diodes, in particular 1n4727 Vz 3vh...

andrewg by Associate III
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How to program using VIM + GCC on STM32F415?

Hi, I'm a complete noob, coming from Arduino (MCU: ATmega328p) Board and I want to have similar programming environment there.General information:OS: LinuxMCU: STM32F415Board: custom one which has USB Mini B portI would like to use GCC + VIM if possi...

0xZER0 by Associate II
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