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STM32F107 Quadrature encoder

Hello,Regarding this post I am able to read my encoder value correctly. // STM32 TIM3 Encoder Decoder (PC.06:A PC.07:B) VLDiscovery - #include ''stm32F10x.h'' #include ''STM32vldiscovery.h'' /**********************...

JJohn.3 by Associate II
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Order of ADC calibration step

The errata sheet of the STM32L476VG states: I wonder if the order of the ADC calibration step is important. I was performing the following steps:1- Set ADC clock source2- Enable ADC clock3- Disable deep power mode (ADC1 and ADC3)4- Enable ADC voltage...

xpp07 by Senior
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HI, I use cubeIDE. I was trying to use NVIC functions such as NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI1_IRQn,1), but the function and EXTI1_IRQn are not recognized, and it gives me an error. is there is a header file that I should add? Thanks very much.

I am trying to write the drivers for stm32f401 nucleus without using HAL and by writing to registers directly. when I created the project I choose the target project to be empty instead of STM32Cube To make sure I do not add HAL drivers. I know there...

0693W00000GW0QCQA1.png 0693W00000GW0Q7QAL.png
SElkh.1 by Associate
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Voltage with DACs unstable

I'm using the DACs of STM32F303K8. The max voltage of the DAC1 is 3.3V but the second is 3V.I don't find any explanation for it and it looks like also quite strange.​PS. To my nucleo is not. Connected to any Vref. It is necessary?​Anyone can help me?

FTrom by Associate II
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