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Forum Posts

STM32F103C8T6 SP1 and TIM3 PWM doesn't work together

Hi, I have a strange problem here, I configure SPI1 as Half duplex master and configure the unused MISO pin to TIM3 PWM Generation CH1. But as soon as I initialize SPI1 PWM stops working. I looked up the performance block diagram they're not even on ...

e-zeki by Associate III
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Resolved! Problem with generating PVM with DMA

Hello, I need to learn how to control an LED. Faced a problem while trying to generate PVM with DMA. I suspect the error lies in the initialization of the DMA. After running the code, no signals are observed. It was based on the project, which is con...

DalOpez by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G0 backup registers need LSE clock to work?

Hi, I'm wondering if I can use STM32G0 backup registers without needing LSE clock (using only Vbat voltage) or if LSE clock is mandatory for them working.I didn't find a clear answer neither in datasheet nor in reference manual.Thanks in Advance.Silv...

smogn.1 by Associate II
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Each page on - including the login here - now pesters me with a nonsensical cookies nag (yes, the top option is hidden under the selection bar):Besides being incomprehensible, no matter how many times I click on Save Settings, the same thing j...


SPI slave mode transmission issue.

hi community,currently I am using the STM32H743zit6 board.My query related to the SPI slave mode.To test SPI master and slave mode I am configuring like this.SPI4 is used as Master it always receives data in full duplex mode and MISO is configured a...

Tkuma.1 by Associate II
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STM32F4: SPI output using DMA with LL driver

HiI'm trying to get SPI output working using DMA with the LL drivers. I'm using CubeMX to set up the DMA and SPI and it works perfectly when I use HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA to initiate the output. However, this is a very slow routine and I want to be able...

PMath.4 by Senior III
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