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Forum Posts

Resolved! Problem connecting SPI to

I am new to STM32. I am porting my code from ATMega128 to STM32 for faster thru put . I have to connect W5500 to STM32F103 on SPI2. To test my understanding of SPI on STM32 after compiling , a small test code in while loop.  SPI_Write(S0_CR,CR_CLOSE)...

CK.3 by Associate III
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DFSD with two PDM mics using a single input

Hi,I followed the example for DFSDM found in DM00380469_ENV1.pdf and setup the channels as specified (channel 0/1 -> input from ch1 and internal clock). Cube MX also creates 2 pins , CLK and DATAIN1.STM32F413 MCUIt seems that I cant get any data comi...

NKara.3 by Associate II
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Cannot use CAN on alternate pins

Part is STM32L4Q5CGIf configured to use PA11 and PA12 on AF 9 works as described in programming reference. When changing pins used to PB8 and PB9 CAN cannot be used and never leaves reset. On my custom board I have PA11 and PA12 in use by USB so I ca...

DPlum by Associate II
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