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 Hello Community, I am using 2 function calls __LL_ADC_CALC_VREFANALOG_VOLTAGE();__LL_ADC_CALC_TEMPERATURE_FLOAT();My implementation:uhADCxConvertedData_VrefAnalog_mVolt = __LL_ADC_CALC_VREFANALOG_VOLTAGE(aADCxConvertedData[1], LL_ADC_RESOLUTION_12B)...
Hello all, I am using keil uvision to direct download the code in a STM32L552MEY6P MCU. My code just toggles a pin. The MCU is connected to a V3 programmer using SWDIO,SWCLK,NRST,GND and VCC. Every time I program with Keil, I am not able to initiate ...
Hello all,  I have a STM32L552MEY6P. I am using it as a slave and setting an address. Using the MX cube set the speed for 400kHz. I have a Rasberry pi trying to do an address detect. Whenever I turn on the clock stretch, I get a read at address 0x50....
Hello all, I have a design that is designed with a STM32. The SWDIO pin and SWCLK pin are pogo test points and difficult to solder wires to connect to the ST link programmer. The design has the BOOT0 pin pulled up to VDD. The I2C lines are the only ...
Using the HAL I2C library, is there any way to generate a continuous stream of scl and sda without a stop bit after the chip address acknowledge and data acknowledge. Otherwise I am planning to use a i2C bitbang library any recommendations? The targe...
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