How to use IDB05A1 BLE module in low power mode without the DMA.
I know that IDB05A1 is NRD(Not recommended for use) but still i want to use IDB05A1 in low power mode with L073RZ MCU can anyone guide me.
I know that IDB05A1 is NRD(Not recommended for use) but still i want to use IDB05A1 in low power mode with L073RZ MCU can anyone guide me.
I have a project which needs to store the state of the program on an eeprom.Unfortunately there is no built in eeprom on stm32f7508-dk board.I have bought M24LR64 chip for i2c eeprom.Unfortunately the program get crashed on read operation (only when ...
I am working on STM32H743VIT6 and using LAN8742 as phy. i generated the project using stmcube using repository stm32h7 1.5.0 . I used the same mpu and system clock configuration as in the ST examples. When I switched on the supply to mcu, the ping d...
Read out protection issue ,I am unable to reprogram the board and the previous code is not executing as well. I have faced this issue in multiple boards .I am unable to debug this issue since long and the last option is to replace mcu with new one. A...
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Actually the RTC alarm I've set isn't coming out exactly. It triggers only once, after that it'll keep getting triggered for every one minute. How to do it for every X minutes?
With STm32F429ZIT6 the RTC battery used is 3.6V Ni-Cd and the RTC crystal used is 32.768khz. Initially, it works well for some days but after 1-2 months RTC date and time get reset to default value every time system is power reset. Need help to resol...
static void MX_ADC1_Init(void) { ADC_MultiModeTypeDef multimode; ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig; /**Common config */ hadc1.Instance = ADC1; hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_SYNC_PCLK_DIV4; hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOL...
Hello!I am working with the dual core stm32h745 nucleo board, currently on the M4 are the defenitions in cubeMX: the defenition is for a recieve only master which belongs to the m4 cortex. while trying to use HAL_SPI_Receive_IT() or HAL_SPI...