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External Winbond NOR flash interfacing to STM32F769AI through QSPI.


Hi STM Community,

I have interfaced External Winbond NOR flash to STM32F769AI through QSPI. Write to memory and read from memory is working for less data. But for lengthy data write and read operations are not working. 


Sounds like you need to debug your BSP implementation.

T​he memory needs to be suitably erased prior to a write, and writes are typically performed as aligned 256 byte blocks where you wait for each to complete properly.

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Yes, before writing to the memory we should erase. I have done that part and able to write and read for less data. But for lengthy data its not happening. I have attached my project for the reference.

Thank You,


Conversation subsequently went here, cross linking so I, and perhaps the gawdawful search engine here, can find it later.

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