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Forum Posts

Issue where flash memory range reads as all zero.

Hello, I’m working on a project using the stm32l562E-DK. The project is based on (mainline) TFM with a secure and nonsecure application, and bootloader. I’ve modified the TFM sector definitions to change the sizes of the sectors. The bootloader and s...

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BBekk.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7 SPI TXP flag not resetting

Hi EveryoneI have a very strange issue in the SPI of my STM32H745.Consider following information0) No Master present on the Bus1) SPI5 is configured in slave.2) No interrupts, no DMA just polling3) Following is the initialization code (FIFO is set to...

DGupt by Associate III
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How to use scanf in stm 32 with dlib.

Iam using stm32 IAR workbench 8.20.Iam trying to run scanf. but scanf isn't reading first character of any data type. If enter 1234 through keyboard then it will print only 234.does anyone know how to resolve this issue???​

UKuma.4 by Associate
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ECC uncompressed X point Public key to Y point.

Hi Sir, we need to uncompress the ECC public key. Now we are using Crypto_v4.0.1 LIB. We could use it on comx_aead&hash&ecdh API. Please inform us how to use the ECC. We need the uncompressed X point Public key to Y point.

Jchu.1 by Associate
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SWV ITM Data Console not working properly

Hello,I am working on Nucleo-h745ziq board. For debugging purpose required the printf function, I can't use the UART for that because its used for another working. So using SWI I am creating the printf function but it cannot print the all the othe...

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MDeva.1 by Associate II
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Hardfault and BFAR address

I am using stm32f4. I have a hardfault error at sometimes, when I write new code in to the flash. So I check the Fault Registers like in below:SerialPrint("Fault: %08x %08x %08x\n",SCB->HFSR, SCB->CFSR, SCB->BFAR);Output results:SCB->HFSR = 0x400000...

DCtech by Associate II
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