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Forum Posts

Resolved! P -NUCLEO-WB55 buttons SW1-3 don't work properly

I have tried to setup a minimal project where I configure the P-NUCLEO-WB55 board to trigger an interrupt (falling edge) when I press a button, that will toggle the blue LED (L1). I tried buttons SW1, SW2, SW3, all have the same problem: when I press...

LWChris by Associate III
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Retarget printf for iar

In order to make the printf function accessible from other libraries, I create a retarget library where I call stdio and write my own implementation of _write function using UART peripheral. So when I want to use printf in another library. I add incl...

JCuna.1 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32H7 DMA Speed

How fast is DMA on STM32H7 mcus? I didnt find any description on how many ticks takes one transaction. I linked DMA to a timer, transfer from memory to port. With system clock 480 MHz and timer DMA request frequency 40 MHz it doesnt seem to work fast...