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When configuring I2C in STM32CubeIDE, the SDA & SCL pins are automatically assigned.Can I assign pins PA10 and PA9 on STM32H743 as I2C (SDA & SCL) ?What things i should keep in mind when using pins other than the one auto assigned by STM32CubeIDE?
I see Nicla Vision board having lot of potential but the board in and of itself cannot do enough.In order to open its potential, it should be able to talk to existing STM32(STM32F407 for e.g.) based boards through either SPI or UART interface.Do we h...
I am trying to figure out what UART mode do i set in CubeMX configuration for my STM32F407VE in order to connect stepper motor driver TMC2209? Should it be Half-Duplex?This question may fall on TMC2209 manufacturer. I searched the forums but I only s...
I am using STM32CubeIDE suite of tools on windows. MCU is STM32F4. Debugger is ST-Link V2.Is there a way to identify memory leak in the code i wrote for my MCU ? Preferably in STM32CubeIDE as its through this tool I upload & debug firmware for MCU.I ...
I am trying to create external flash loader for STM32F407VE. The flash is w25q64jv - 8MB.I tried to follow the tutorial but since this is QuadSPI and I think STM32F407VE does not support QuadSPI.
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