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I am working on reading an External 3 bit parallel CMOS ADC (4MSPS)(from MAX2771 board) digital output through STM32H7 board , my only concern if the STM32H7 can handle this amount of samples and save it to pc ?

Associate II

Save to PC is a bit vague. You're connecting as a USB-HS DEVICE ?

Pretty sure there are ways to sample faster, and save to eMMC

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For example with FT232H as USB/parallel bridge it will be no problem.

Principal II

ADC interface peripheral (SPI ?) -> DMA -> USB high speed

Using DMA (maybe even double buffered) is the important thing here.

Even with a 16 bit ADC that should be possible, with an ADC data rate of 64 Mbit / s, compared to high speed USB with (theoretically) 480 Mbit/s.

hello LCE

I am just looking for a way to read the sampled data and save to a folder

and if possible to do a real time data processing of the MAX2771 board directly and transmit it to a PC using ethernet cable provided by some STM3232H7.