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Forum Posts

delay inside a EXTI9_5 callback function

I have been trying to create a asynchronous serial UART communication on GPIOA pin 9 and pin 8pin9- is RxPin8- is Txin order to sample the message at the right time I have create a dealy function using the DWT mechanism, the idea is to wait 1.5*(1/b...

Resolved! Nucleo L476RG - Turn on LED

I am using a NUCLEO-L476RG development board, I am learning to write GPIO drivers for STM32 family I am implementing a simple logic in which I need to turn on an LED when a push button is pressed.I have a strange issue: The Bread board LED turns ON w...

Tbone1 by Associate II
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How to convert old code to use FPU ?

Hi I am trying to optimise my gait generation code for my robot. I use a lot of float operations . I want to use FPU to accelerate computing. As an experiment I am using the following taskTickType_t start = xTaskGetTickCount(); while( i<100000000) ...

SSRIN.1 by Associate III
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NOR flash mass erase hangs STM32H753?

Just got a weird problem with a NOR flash, memory mapped on FMC, address 0x60000000.The model is IS29GL128, 16 MB. Most of the code borrowed from eval. board examples.Basically it works (write, read, erase). But during mass erase the systick interrup...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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