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I'm reading data from an FPGA over QSPI. I'm attempting to read 256 bytes at a time. However, when I read the data the QSPI clock decides to take a long pause before continuing. I get an initial burst of 74 clock pulses, then 56 bursts of 8 clock pul...
I have two peripherals on my board that I need to communicate with using 3-wire, half-duplex SPI. I have tried every combination of settings I can think of, but I am unable to communicate with either chip.Here is my SPI1 init function:static void MX_...
I have an STM32F0DSCOVERY and I have successfully configured it with CubeMX and TrueStudio to read a single touch input. I can read out the data in STM Studio and it graphs the measurement and the delta and the StateId and everything is beautiful. Ho...
I have a STM32F0-DISCOVERY board that I've connected a sampling capacitor and a single touch button to. I've generated code in CubeMX for this configuration and have all the coed in my TrueStudio project. I want to use STM Studio to tune my touch but...