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I am building a USBPD sink with reference to the UM2552, but in the sample code on page 16, it seems that the ")" corresponding to the IF on the 9th line has disappeared, is this a typo? Also, is there a correct example somewhere?
Regarding LL_AHB1_GRP1_EnableClock, after setting bit in the function, it is read to "tmprg" and cast to void type. What is the reason for reading?__STATIC_INLINE void LL_AHB1_GRP1_EnableClock(uint32_t Periphs){ __IO uint32_t tmpreg; SET_BIT(RCC->AHB...
I am building a UCPD sink by referring to the following page. would like to build a UCPD sink using interrupts etc. without using the RTOS. Is there any c...
I want to perform a timer interrupt using the output comparison mode.When the frequency is set to 2000Hz, ARR : 20, CCR1 : 25, I think that interrupt does not occur because ARR <CCR1, but interrupt occurs. Why do interrupts occur?
We are planning to use STM32G071 in our next project.We would like to have 9V@3A in PDO1.​So we edited the PDO1 data in the usbpd_pdo_defs.h file as follows.​[0x0202D12C]00 0 0 0 0 1 00 000 0010110100 0100101100​Bit Description ...