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HelloI have a STM32F407VET6 with FreeRTOS continuously receiving data, normally 250-300 characters every 4[ms], by UART+DMA, when it receives a '\n' and idle-line sends the data received to a mailbox(8 mails length). Then a receiver task get one mail...
Hello!I have a STM32F407VET6 with FreeRTOS continuously receiving data, normally 250-300 characters every 4[ms], by UART+DMA, when it receives a '\n' and idle-line sends the data received to a mailbox(8 mails length). Then a receiver task get one mai...
Hello! I'm uploading a code to a custom board and got the following error:Memory Programming ...Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_a16184.srec File     : ST-LINK_GDB_server_a16184.srec Size     : 45.39 KB  Address    : 0x08000000 Erasing me...
Hello!I'm working with UART+DMA+IdleDetection. I receiving long frames of data(250-300 bytes) 250 times per second at 921600bps without HT & TC interrupt from several sensors and one Arduino, then I send them by USB . Sometimes, I receive overwritte...
Hello!I'm working this UART+DMA with idle detection and ring buffer. My STM32F4707VET6 receives data from a sensor and then sends it by USB, the data received by USB should look like this:$1651500,-5,-228,-988,-3,-217,-976,-102$1651510,-4,-228,-987,-...