Is this a correct code modification?
// stm32f1xx_hal_rtc.c line 827sTime->Seconds = (uint8_t)((counter_time % 3600U) % 60U);// to thissTime->Seconds = (uint8_t)(counter_time % 60U);
// stm32f1xx_hal_rtc.c line 827sTime->Seconds = (uint8_t)((counter_time % 3600U) % 60U);// to thissTime->Seconds = (uint8_t)(counter_time % 60U);
Hi STWe are using STM32L476RG in our product, but we need Firmware update over the feature for our product. Can you provide us any solution for this? Thanks
Reference manual says that TCM RAMs are accessible at the maximum clock speed without any latency, but to perform accesses at a CPU speed higher than 520 MHz, one must disable the ECC on this RAM through the CPUFREQ_BOOST option byte. What happens if...
Hey, I create some enums and struct to declare specific pin settings. In .h file I create these struct and enums:typedef enum { ePin_Led_Stat=0, ePin_Led_GPS_Fix, ePin_USART1_Tx, ePin_USART1_Rx, ePin_USART2_Tx, ePin_USART2_Rx, ePin_Name_Last} ...
Hi!!I am using a STM32F4 Discovery board. I am using the ADC1 and ADC2, both with DMA. I need the conditional to know which ADC was the one that finished reading data. I tried if(hadc->Instance == ADC1) but it only works when DMA is not used.Could yo...
Hi all,I've installed STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeMX plus STM32CubeProgrammer. As well as, I've written a simple C++ project to blink the LED of my STM32NucleoF411RE board when it's connected to my Windows machine, as my first embedded programming project...
Hello,I would like to use WiFi in a DIY project with STM32H743, in which I design hardware and software completely myself.I am therefore looking for a simple solution that is supported by the STM32Cube (middleware) on the software side and can be eas...
Hello,According to my research, i cant find word flash program type for stm32l4p5 mcus. There are three diffrent types(DOUBLEWORD,FAST,FAST_AND_LAST). These types defined doubleword.Thank you for your help.
As our current micros are getting obsolete, I am looking for a Controller (16 or 32 bits) for the Automotive Embedded applications.The Controller needs to communicate with other slave modules through J1939 and have support for serial, ethernet.