Sending display data to an ILI9341 via SPI. The ILI9341 needs 16bit words in BigEndian. When I convert the STM32 LittleEndian data to BigEndian and then send the data paket as 8bit bytes everything is fine. In order to save the conversion I tried to ...
Hello everyone!Do you guys know how one can establish a connection b/w STM32H7A3ZIQ and a potentiometer X9C103s? Do I need to include a new library for that in the main body of the program? if so, how? Are there any resources I may utilize to establi...
Hello all.I have a custom stm32439VITx board running at 60MHz clocked off the HSI:void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0}; RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0}; /** Configure the main internal regulator o...
Hello!I have made an application after viewing a video on the subject, and I could establish aconnection between PC and my app (which is based on a F767 processor, but I don't thinkit matters).On Windows, it's simple. By plugging the device, it's aut...
Things that have tried.Used the GPIO as chip select . In this configuration , the width of chip selected pulse is more than expected. ( Attached oscilloscope short for your reference ).Kindly requesting to sent the procedure or sample code to sent 24...
I have STM3H753XI Eval board. I am working with example project available \en.stm32cubeh7_v1-9-0_v1.9.0\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.9.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\UART\UART_HyperTerminal_ITTool chain is IAR EWARM 8.22Project is compiled successfully an...
I have simple application( LED toggling) built for STM32H753I-EVAl board using IAR EWARM Toolchain. I am using IAR I-Jet debugger to download and debug application.When I download application, i am getting Fault exception"the processor has escalated ...