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Hi all!Where do I find the "true" version number for the CMSIS-RTOS code "injected" by CubeMX?While STM32CubeMX (v6.9.1) shows "2.0.0"..... the header file in my project (CMSIS_RTOS_V2/cmsis_os.h) has the following in the comment header* $Date: 10. J...
Hi all.We are using a bidirectional UART with hardware-flow control lines (RTS/CTS) between two microcontrollers.One of the controllers (A) is an STM32H7, the other controller's type (B) should not be relevant. I write this from the perspective of A....
Hi!   I'd like to reconfigure power supply settings on our custom board with an STM32H742.   I've done some research reading reference manual and application note.   CubeMX has generated code with the following two calls I am using inside of SystemCl...
Hi!I am working on an STM32H7-based project which I am trying to migrate from the DISCOVERY evaluation hardware to custom board. A colleague of mine has created a new `.ioc` file with a newer version of CubeMX than the standalone vesion I have curren...
Hi all,basically my question is similar to the one of @doctorseus in his*her post which has been closed:> Does anyone know a source where I can find an standard DFU implementation on-top of the STM32 ...
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