2021-12-02 9:13 AM
2021-12-02 9:15 AM
Hi, I’m using the en.fp-ai-predmnt2_v1.0 example on STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0, STWIN starter kit (STEVAL-STWINKT1B) and STWIN WiFi (STEVAL-STWINWFV1).
I have followed the quick start guide en.fp-ai-predmnt2_quick_start_guide.pdf (downloaded from https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/fp-ai-predmnt2.html#documentatio)
I programmed the kit using binary precompiled files as on image below.
Then, I have configured my kit using ST BLE Sensor (as reported on qs guide above)
The kit connects to backend (see WireShark log) and on backend side, this is what I see:
Then I tried to change the telemetry time
(you can see the communication on WireShark log line 149)
but nothing happens on Backend
No data are sent (you can see also the WireShark log after line 149)
I have tried also with en.fp-ind-predmnt1_v2.4.0, and it works well.
2022-07-22 2:13 AM
Hi @ABarb.5,
The newer version of FP-AI-PREDMNT2 (v1.1.2) is available on st.com.
Can you check if now it's working properly?
Best regards