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Forum Posts

STM32 for high resolution delays

Is it possible to use a STM32 for something like the following:Take in a pulse, interrupting on a edge.Use this edge to generate multiple (5 or so) output pulses (only the positive edge timing needs tightly controlled timing). The output pulses might...

How to increase GPIO on any STM32 MCU?

I want to design PLC using STM32 MCU so for that I need to extend its GPIO pins how can i do this?Adding another MCU or shift registers any other ideas?Main cpu having MCU and another io modules added is communicate with ​main cpu using protocol like...

stm32f103c8t6 short cuts after programming!

Hi, I am trying to make a circuit with stm32f103c8t6 and a nrf24l0+. I attach my schematic if pcb layout needed tell me to upload that. One of the circuit work good ( the send one) the other one which is identical does not.after soldering I did check...

HSaee.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7 DMA stops after first transfer

I tested this example from the STM32CubeH7 repository and it works fine.When I try the DMA1 instead of the BDMA, the DMA stops after the first transfer.I made only the following changes to use the DMA1 __HAL_RCC_DMA1_CLK_ENABLE(); // Enable the cloc...

JKuen.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Switching time for mux on Opamp

Various STM32 products have opamps that have a mux in front of it.Ex: STM32G4, STM32F3, STM32H7 series, etc.If I change the mux input setting using the control status register (OPAMPx_CSR::VP_SEL or VN_SEL), how long does it take for the mux to switc...