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hI! I am using the LPTIM, but not work in 486us, the minimum value is 2.6ms. in the logic analyzer i view:
"I am setting up the clock for 32.768kHz, but when I compile and test it, it doesn't work. I place a simple counter in the while loop, but it doesn't increment."i have in the while a counter, but not increment. 
Hi! i have two stm8105c6t6 , i want use one to master and other to slave, two pcb board are connect using 10k pull up resistor in the SDA/SCL line.  i am using the example AN3281 stm, but my microcontroller not have tim4, i change the tim4 to tim3 bu...
Hi everyone! i am using stm32l0c6t6, i need use spi with register, because i need make function type: spiwriteread(uint8_t data), to write in the device Lora llcc68 and read the return register, but with hal i can´t. Then i have configurated the spi ...
hi! I am using spi code off reference manual because i need make a function for write register and read the register. but with Hal not work well. i am make other function name:but, this code not work, i copy of reference manual:i don´t know how put c...