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Forum Posts

issue with interfacing external emmc

I’m interfacing the STM32H755ZI-Q Nucleo board with an MTFC8GAMALNA-AAT eMMC. What configurations are necessary for this interfacing? I’m also getting warnings in the RCC configurations. Could you guide me on the settings needed for SDMMC1 and FATFS,...

Ismails by Associate II
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Resolved! Need for series resistors for OCTOSPI on NucleoU5A5

Hi everyone,I am working with a NucleoU5A5 and a W25Q16 flash chip in quad SPI mode (using the OctoSPI peripheral). For a couple of days I couldn't get it to work reliably: reading multiple bytes would fail on certain byte values coming from the flas...

tzijnge by Associate II
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Resolved! Can PWM settings affect other timer settings?

   #include "Main.h" #define MAX_Intensity 1600 static volatile uint16_t Intensity = 10; void Timer4_Configuration(void) { TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_BaseStructure; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4, ENABLE); TIM_BaseStructure.TIM_P...

treeset by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G474 FDCAN Interrupt does not trigger

The FDCAN (in my case fdcan2) for a custom board based on STM32G474RCT that I am working on does not seem to work as expected. The transmission of messages is working OK. I can receive the test message from the board over to the host PC CAN sniffer a...

SPate.8 by Associate
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Resolved! F407G-DISC1 RTC not working

I use F407G-DISC1 and RTC values dont change i have. In project i have I2S sound filtering and button that displays number on LEDs in binary, when button is pressed. But nothing happening on button press. Did i missed something?     /* USER CODE BEGI...

CzyzyK by Associate II
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Resolved! Stm32h755: hardware questions

Hi I am developing a board with two MCU on it (stm32h755), and I am going to programme these two controllers from the same connector using only two lines (SWDIO SWCLK), I have connected same CLOCK line to both MCUs directly, and the SWDIO to a switch...
