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Question about current consumption on pin

Hi allI'm working with an stm32f4 and I have a question about current consumption on stop mode, on the pin PC1 I have a external pull up 10k connected to 3.3v, before stop mode what is the best mode to avoid PC1 consume 0.33ua ? Right now I have put ...

SBaro.11 by Associate III
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SPI issue

Hi , i am using STM32H753z, implementing the SPI. when i using HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() data is transfer and receive happening but data is mismatching. when i using HAL_SPI_Transmit(),   HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT()   is showing busy when i debug same wave...

HAL_SPI_Receive_IT.png HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive.png
Naresh_ by Associate III
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Not able to print log on putty terminal

Hello,I am working with the STM32H7S78-DK board, and I have enabled the UART4 serial interface (using PD0/PD1) for both programming and debugging. However, I am unable to print logs to the Putty terminal.Environment:STM32H7S78-DK BoardUART4 on PD0/PD...

Resolved! STM32F765 Ethernet

I'm trying to get Ethernet working with STM32F765VIH MCU and developing using Keil MicroVision and CubeMX 6.11.1When setting up CubeMX I'm seeing warning message that RAM needs to point to 0x24000000 for ethernet to work.I don't see an option for set...

lb2 by Associate II
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RTC seconds pulse not output, STM32F103RBT6

I've been able to get the higher frequency to output on the tamper pin but not the seconds pulse.I tried updating the time registers in the main code but that didn't help.There is a document I've glanced through but didn't see any code lines to imple...

CGadg by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G4 FDCAN mask filter not working on STM32G474

I have developed a custom board with an STM32G474RE controller. Since the controller only features FDCAN, I am using it in normal mode. Connected to this is a CAN controller (not FD). Sending and receiving messages work without any issues. However, a...

RoLie by Associate II
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