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Forum Posts

Why timer 8 has in TI1 the CCI4 label name?

Hi, I cannot understand why the TIM8 has in TI1 the label CC4I and the general purpose timer has at TI1 the label CC1I as you can see on the following pictures. And also I want to ask what is the different between TIM8 and TIM1 as advanced control ti...

0693W00000NrimHQAR.png 0693W00000NrimCQAR.png
NTosi by Associate III
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STM32G0B0 - Timer with Interrupt issue

Code is very simple, not so many configs.Issue arises when I call HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim3):/* Enable the TIM Update interrupt */ __HAL_TIM_ENABLE_IT(htim, TIM_IT_UPDATE);and code broke with no error on the Call Stack.I tried the same code on NU...

SMari.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32WB pairing error with mixed bonded/nonbonded devices

Hi,I am running a system with some STM32WB, one client and some server.Right now i am connecting, pairing and bonding the devices. If i start from a condition where i have all the server not bonded (aci_gap_get_bonded_devices return nothing) and I st...

LSpad.1 by Associate III
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