The fourth parameter in the HAL_UART_Transmit function.Suppose I send 5 characters, is probably 5*9==45 .Transfer rate 115200 Bits/sWhat delay should I set in the HAL_UART_Transmit function?5 characters at a speed of 115200 Bits/s will be transmitted...
The seemingly simplest thing, but weirdly it doesn't work.So - maybe it's not that simple?First, my setup is TouchGFX project on STM32H747-DISCO. I think this might be important.I configured 2 GPIO pins for EXTI falling edge interrupt. PK6 and and PC...
Hello guys;What is the tr(CLK) value of QuadSPI in STM32H7 MCUs?I can't find it in the QuadSPI characteristics table in the datasheet.Thank you.
Hi, I'm writing an application that is supposed to change the PWM pulse of Timer 17 based on ADC inputs (right now, instead of ADC inputs, I'm using simulated inputs). To do this, I wrote a struct, which among other things, stores the handler for Tim...
Hi, I cannot understand why the TIM8 has in TI1 the label CC4I and the general purpose timer has at TI1 the label CC1I as you can see on the following pictures. And also I want to ask what is the different between TIM8 and TIM1 as advanced control ti...
Code is very simple, not so many configs.Issue arises when I call HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim3):/* Enable the TIM Update interrupt */ __HAL_TIM_ENABLE_IT(htim, TIM_IT_UPDATE);and code broke with no error on the Call Stack.I tried the same code on NU...
Hi,I am running a system with some STM32WB, one client and some server.Right now i am connecting, pairing and bonding the devices. If i start from a condition where i have all the server not bonded (aci_gap_get_bonded_devices return nothing) and I st...
Hi, Am interfacing STM32H743 FDCAN classic with STM32F7 CAN. When I tried transmitting data from F7 to H7, within a minute H7 stop receiving data. I also tried debug the problem on F7 side and found that breakpoint hit on following condition inside t...