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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32G030K6T6 is not programming!

Hello,I'm working on a small scale project. In my earlier design, I've used the STM32F100x series. Now as the STM introduced a new set of controllers, the STM32G series ( which is less in cost and much higher efficiency than STM32F series), I've migr...

How to use printf() to output to UART

I have been using printf() to output to UART for many years on a STM32L052All these projects still compile and printf() to UART, no problem.I started a NEW project with CubeMX, but now printf() does NOT print to UART.I use the same int fputc(int ch, ...

gerhard by Associate II
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g051 serial problem

HiI have made a board using the g051k6 chip. I have not been able to receive data from another board sending data at 115200 bd. I connected another serial port to the input pin , and all data is received without errors. A uart problem is mentioned...

kevint1 by Associate
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