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Resolved! STM32H7 QSPI FLASH write issue

Hello,I am working with STM32H743BI and trying to write then read a QSPI FLASH "mt25qu01gbbb". I first use the STM32 software example "QSPI_ReadWrite_IT" (adapted with cube configuration) to start discovering QSPI on my hardware. Then I made a small ...

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Force BLE disconnection from peripheral device

Hello everyone, Can I in any way force disconnection from peripheral device?I’m using BlueNRG-LP MCU and BLE Stack APIs. I want to force a disconnection with the central from my peripherals. Is it possible with BLE?I would like to avoid a reset softw...

ARamí.1 by Associate II
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STM32H745 Disco, Simple Hello World and LED Blink

I have worked with several STM32 Nucleo and Discovery Boards. My typical starting point is to print "Hello World" and blink an LED with from a HAL project. The HAL/IOC part is working as expected. I am thinking I am missing some dual-core hardware ...

DDilw.1 by Associate
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How can I connect Gbit SDRAM to STM32F429?

Hello, I would like to connect Gbit SDRAM to STM32F429 MCU. When I look at the STM32 FMC memory map, it has two 256 Mbytes area for SDRAM. As far as I understand, I can connect up to 4 Gbit SDRAM. However, SDRAMs have maximum 512 Mbit size. 1) Is it ...

I am using STM32F417IEH6 on a custom-board with Azure_RTOS. The Azure_RTOS/ThreadX is working OK. I have several threads running.

 My board is supposed to act like a PM-bus server on top of a ATX-PSU and I need to 'time' the sequence, that powers up the PSU. I have tried to use 'tx_thread_sleep()' and even changed tx_user.h : #define TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND        --> 1000 an...

olebenny by Associate II
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