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SDRAM Not working in STM32H757I-Eval Board.

I am using STM32H757I-Eval Board for our study, I created the project for STM32H757 SDRAM interface. While configuring the SDRAM through FMC. I configured SDRAM1 with Bank 2. After that found that the pin configuration generated by the code genera...


I2C Slave freezes SCL line

Hello,i tried to implement a I2C slave device on a STM32L486.It is working, but sometimes (after a few seconds, minutes or even hours) it freezes/blocks the SCL line. So the master device (also a STM32) generates a error.I have no glue what happens h...

Make USART6 as debug console in STM32F768-discovery board

Greetings !I am working on STM32F769 discovery board . I have built OS using Buildroot . I can able to get U-boot prompt through Default debug console (USART1).Here I having a requirement of changing default debug console (USART1) to USART6 . I am a...

PG.9 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F746 Disco clear memory section

I Have STM32F746 Disco and i have a memory section that sould be initialized to zero.and the aim behind this is to keep the memory content whenever the board is rest.but unfortanlty, this section is being clear every time i restart the debuger.the se...

MFawzy by Associate II
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STM32F051 ADC and Multiple input

Hi there !I'm gonna use this microcontroller for one project. I start with configurate one ADC channel and i have a couple of question to ask . 1) More voltage input is close to Vref and more the value i read is close a the input ex: input 2.50 V i r...

SGian.1 by Senior
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Is this an Error in the STMH7B3xi Datasheet?

Section Memories...The Flash memory is organized as follows:• Two independent 1 Mbyte banks of user Flash memory, each one containing 128 user sectors of 8 Kbyteseach.• 128 Kbytes of System Flash memory from which the device can boot.• 1 Kbyte of OTP...