Software reset issue
1. HAL_NVIC_SystemReset() does not work. it always stays at __NOP(), no reset for(;;) /* wait until reset */ { __NOP(); }2. Before I implemented ADC with DMA, the soft reset below works. But after implemented ADC with D...
1. HAL_NVIC_SystemReset() does not work. it always stays at __NOP(), no reset for(;;) /* wait until reset */ { __NOP(); }2. Before I implemented ADC with DMA, the soft reset below works. But after implemented ADC with D...
Hi guys im doing a simple 5 byte memory to memory dma transfer with timer update request.As stm32f407 reference manual said timer8 update is connected to dma2 stream 1.Here is the timer config by cube.And the dma cube config:I started the dma and exp...
Hi, I have a problem with DAC output, same problem with STM32L4 and STM32H7. I have to continuously output a step wave (3 levels), for this purpose I use a Timer and DMA in circular mode to output an array of 3 values.The code is very simple, I use a...
Hello guys.Im a little confused about dma functionality.My question is that if dma controller can start a peripheral or it just can move data from the peripheral to memory.For example when using adc with dma:Is it dma that start the conversion and mo...
We need STM32 MCU types for use in medical instruments. Does ST have Medical grade STM32 MCU's? It must be recommended for new design with long life time.
htim2.Init.Prescaler = 1000;htim2.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;htim2.Init.Period = 7200;htim2.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;htim2.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_ENABLE;However if I change the prescaler to 200, ...
Hello, I'm new on this forum.Last time I bought Nucleo-L432KC board. I have very strange issue with flashing binary. I created simple project in STM32CubeMX for blinking LED every 1 second. I use this command to flash:st-flash --reset write blink.bin...
I can see transmitting characters from ADUCM360 to STM32.But it does not capture the incoming characters from STM32 using interrupts. Any help on this very much appreciated. Thank you
Hello, I am inquiring about USART communication using DMA. I am following tutorial using the low level drivers for a STM32L432. I have reception working with no troubles and I believe my interrupts are be...