Stm32 wireless (WIFI) debugger programmer.
I want to debug and programming STM32 MCU wirelessly using wifi is there any st or other programmer support STM32 wireless debugging and programming?
I want to debug and programming STM32 MCU wirelessly using wifi is there any st or other programmer support STM32 wireless debugging and programming?
Hi there !I'm gonna use this microcontroller for one project. I start with configurate one ADC channel and i have a couple of question to ask . 1) More voltage input is close to Vref and more the value i read is close a the input ex: input 2.50 V i r...
Section Memories...The Flash memory is organized as follows:• Two independent 1 Mbyte banks of user Flash memory, each one containing 128 user sectors of 8 Kbyteseach.• 128 Kbytes of System Flash memory from which the device can boot.• 1 Kbyte of OTP...
Is there a possibility to fire DMA transfer on a positive edge on the GPIO pin (PA3) ?
I am unsure of why this function keeps triggering the "undefined reference to function" error, especially since it seems to be able to find it perfectly well when I deliberately leave out arguments.The function in question is shown below:dc_init(DC1,...
Hello,I am working on project which contains reconfiguration of 16 regular channels ADC after end conversion sequence.Therefore, the registers ADC_SQR1, ADC_SQR2, ADC_SQR3, ADC_SQR4 and ADC_SMPR1, ADC_SMPR2 should be updated at the end of the sequenc...
If I'm interested in the availability of STM32L4 chips that come in a LQFP64 package and also has a DFSDM interface, I use the "View all STM32L4 series products" and select the appropriate filters. I then get a list of 17 different micro variations. ...
Hi guys,I would like to know how can I read PWM (duty cycle) generated from stm32?And how I can read Pwm generated from 1 stm32 send to another stm32?Sorry my bad englishTy
Hi,I want to do SPI transfer every 1ms without wakeing up CPU.In one SPI transfer, I want to send 10 Half words.It was possible to send SPI every 1ms with dma.But I can transfer only a half word in one transfer. What should I do ?Best regards.(Below ...