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STM32F051 ADC and Multiple input

Hi there !I'm gonna use this microcontroller for one project. I start with configurate one ADC channel and i have a couple of question to ask . 1) More voltage input is close to Vref and more the value i read is close a the input ex: input 2.50 V i r...

SGian.1 by Senior
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Is this an Error in the STMH7B3xi Datasheet?

Section Memories...The Flash memory is organized as follows:• Two independent 1 Mbyte banks of user Flash memory, each one containing 128 user sectors of 8 Kbyteseach.• 128 Kbytes of System Flash memory from which the device can boot.• 1 Kbyte of OTP...

"undefined reference to custom function"

I am unsure of why this function keeps triggering the "undefined reference to function" error, especially since it seems to be able to find it perfectly well when I deliberately leave out arguments.The function in question is shown below:dc_init(DC1,...

ESpra.1 by Senior
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stm32 pwm signal

Hi guys,I would like to know how can I read PWM (duty cycle) generated from stm32?And how I can read Pwm generated from 1 stm32 send to another stm32?Sorry my bad englishTy

GCocc.1 by Associate II
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SPI transfer using dma request from timer

Hi,I want to do SPI transfer every 1ms without wakeing up CPU.In one SPI transfer, I want to send 10 Half words.It was possible to send SPI every 1ms with dma.But I can transfer only a half word in one transfer. What should I do ?Best regards.(Below ...

DK1 by Associate
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