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Forum Posts

CTS signal on USB CDC

Posted on May 15, 2018 at 09:13Hi,I need to send the CTS status from my target hardware to the Virtual com port driver in windows, USBser.sys.I have managed to do all the other handshake signals (DTR, RTS, DCD and DSR) working except CTS. Apparently...

Block for sending values through the UART

Hello, I am trying to wire STM32F103C8T6 with DS18B20 sensor and I realize that after some actions it stopped to work and no data through the UART sent:     Probably it's not big deal, but I have no idea why UART completelly blocked and sending no in...

stm32-proteus.png cube-ide-clock-configuration.png stm-32-rcc.png usart-1.png

Resolved! STM32U5A5VJT6Q VDD11 connection

Hi,STM32U5A5VJT6Q has 2 VDD11 pins. Should these be connected together using an external trace on a PCB? I did look at Nucleo U5A5ZJ-Q schematic but I'm still not sure.Thanks,Adam

awocrf by Associate III
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Programming STM32C011J6M6 with Arduino IDE

Hello, I'm using an STM32C011J6M6 with the Arduino IDE to register with theST25DV64KC-IE6S3 's EEPROM. I previously used the ATTiny85 and would like to replace it with the STM32C0 to maintain the entire solution with ST components. I made some change...

USB Microphone

I'm trying to send a Audio data from MEMS microphone to Device through USB. I had defined a configured a descriptors accordingly. But I'm facing Error message that is *!*ERROR: No open pipes!.[Port1] : USB Composite DeviceIs Port User Connectable: ye...

pugazh19 by Associate
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STM32F103 SPI Master receive only mode

MCU : STM32F103VET6 (Master & Slave) STM32 Cube MX : 6.12.0 Firmware package version : 1.8.6 Master MCU configure- Receive only Master- NSS : Disable ( However, different GPIO sent a signal for the slave NSS )- Clock 72 Mhz - SPI Prescaler:  4 (9.0 M...

Ryuyeon by Associate
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flash programming disable

hello everyone.. I am using the STM32F429 Discovery board and want to prevent reprogramming of the internal flash after initially flashing the firmware. Once the code is programmed, it should continue to run normally, but no further programming acces...