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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32L476 OPAMP is not working as expected

Hi,I am using an STM32L476 on Nucleo64 board, I am amplifying a 1MHz 200mVpp sine wave with a 100mV offset in order to try the OPAMP but I dont think it is working. I configured OPAMP in PGA not connected mode(Also tried PGA connected too) and gave i...

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Stm325 by Associate III
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Resolved! ADC1_IN16 (no mode)

I begin a new project I want to use the PA12 as a ADC input. But the pin is orange and I am unable to activate the mode or channel of the ADC.What is the explanation behind it? How do you explain it?Thanks a lot to all. 

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Resolved! Capturing SWV data stream from GDB

I've got SWV output showing within the STM32CubeIDE. I would now like to be able to capture this output from the command line using gdb. Is there any documentation on how to activate the SWV in gdb?I've tried using: monitor swo enable 4500000 decode ...

CTapp.1 by Senior
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Help with porting STM32H723VGTX Ethernet

So,I've been trying to get the STM32 Lwip example working on a custom board ( STM32H723VGTX ) but could not get it working. My custom board uses KSZ8081RNB.I referred to the link :

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STM32L476 Changing VRef for ADC precision

Hi I want to sample low voltage signals with STM32L476 so I figured it would be a good option to reduce reference voltage and I found this part in the MCU datasheet: Now I am using ADC in dual mode and sampling 8 bit so it is not too precise for low ...

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Stm325 by Associate III
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adding CMSIS-DSP library to stm32h743

hi,I want to use CMSIS-DSp library in my stm32h743 project. the project contain USb MSC device also.After adding the library to project i am getting 5 errors, which I am listing below,11:56:50 **** Build of configuration Debug for project DIN_MAIN_V3...

ykn by Senior
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