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Forum Posts

Why the number of pulses is less than expected when I am using One Pulse Mode and Repetition Counter (RCR) to generate adjustable PWM pulses with number and frequency?

I need to generate PWM signals with adjustable number and frequency to drive a step motor. I expect the frequency ranges from 50Hz to 200KHz and the pulses count ranges from 1 to 2k. I have tried 3 different ways including: using timer interrupt to c...

0693W00000WIBw5QAH.png 0693W00000WIBwAQAX.png
EMach.3 by Associate II
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I want to do a pc waveform display of a four channel adc, it is a serial input pc and the sampling frequency is 1kSPS. What software should I use to develop, the sampling frequency is 2kSPS. I use node-red to find that the chart keeps crashing and can't g

I want to do a pc waveform display of a four channel adc, it is a serial input pc and the sampling frequency is 1kSPS. What software should I use to develop, the sampling frequency is 2kSPS. I use node-red to find that the chart keeps crashing and ca...

Lep by Senior
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STM32Cube FW_F1 V1.8.4Conditions: SPI1 or SPI3 remapped to PB3-5 pins. Problem: SPI not work.Solution: Enable Debug Serial Wire (PA13 PA14)SWJ function changes SWJ_CFG[2:0] bitsstm32f1xx_hal_msp.c line 81__HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_NOJTAG();do{ uint32_t tm...

vekli by Associate II
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way to isolate stm32 chipset from NUCLEO board?

Hello, I would like to know the way to measure actual power consumption of stm32 chip on NUCLEO board, so if I disconnect:> LEDs> voltage regulators (supply 3.3vdc directly instead)am I able to get power consumption of stm32 chipset according to its ...

KPrem.2 by Associate
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