Hello,I am working with ADS7046 i need to generate 24 cloacks for calibarration and for data I need the 15 SCLK .Its SPI COnfigurable. So how I can genertare the 24 SCLK and 15 SCLk
I have a few boards using an STM32L4 part.Some of the boards are working as expected, but others are not. The ones that don't work reach a timeout in the SystemClock_Config() function call. Specifically, they time out in the while loop at line 558 of...
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x080078ec msp: 0x20020000** Programming Started **** Programming Finished **** Verify Started **** Verified OK **** Resetting Target **shutdown command invoked============...
I am a hobbyist and was forced to buy three STM32H757BIT6 chips from two different Chinese suppliers due to the fact that they are not in stock with any authorized suppliers in the US. With the veracity of the chips in immediate question, I bought a...
Hi, I downloaded X-CUBE-DSPDEMO from https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32cube-expansion-packages/x-cube-dspdemo.license=1593557368708.product=X-CUBE-DSPDEMO.version=...
Hello everyoneI have a little problem with stm32cubdeide, when im trying to work in debug mode with the mcu stm32f469nih6 i can't modiffy or add any bit to enable the register RCC->AHB1NER->GPIODEN.I just want to set clock to activate other peripheri...
HiI want to use DMA with complematry pwm. I am usşng stm32f030 its working only one sample. I have to use stdperiph .Thanks