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Forum Posts

Debugging the MCU on a NUCLEO-H7A3ZI if 1.8V is selected?

Dear all,It seems like I actually broke two Nucleo 144 with a H7A3 and H723 after I tried to debug the MCU with the on board debugger and after switching the supply voltage for the MCU to 1.8V (no connection from debugger to MCU possible, even not wi...

Bench by Associate III
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STM32L433 clock is running in stop 2

My issue is a high current in stop 2 mode with the STM32L433, i'm measuring around 1mA in Stop2 Mode, which should be around 5uA for the MCU, with the rest of the board compoents, i expect around 50uA. For investiagrion, i desoldered all other compo...

How to read status of PWM pin accurately ?

I am using STM32F407VG development board to implement Direct torque control with space vector modulation of induction motor drive. I want to read status of PWM pins accurately in order to estimate phase voltage from DC link voltage and status of the ...

KShah.6 by Associate II
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