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Good morning, my product is made of 2 parts, each of which has a dedicated MCU. MCU1 is STM32L476ZG and MCU2 is STM32L4P5CG. The whole device is supplied through a wall adapter working at 24VDC. Internally,the voltage is converted to supply all the m...
Hi everyone,Do you think there is any reason why a set of instructions (20 lines max.), including UART transmission, works fine within the while(1) block but it doesn't work if that exact set of instruction is in a function, within the same while(1) ...
I have a device made of two modules. Each module has its own ST microcontroller, family is STM32L476. They are connected together with a cable of 2-2.5 meter coated, most likely, with a silicone tube.I need to make the two microcontrollers communicat...
I am trying to set the partial buffer but all I can get are these errors: How can I fix it?
I currently have a display that works with ST7789 controller and a Nucleo board, L4476RG. Unfortunately, I cannot find anything about interfacing SPI with TouchGFX, except for some very generic descriptions. What are the steps you would recommend to ...
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