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Hello,we want to read VREFINT to make our ADC measurements more accurate.But the EOC bit is never set when selecting the ADC_CHANNEL_VREFINT channel.PCLK2 is at 108MHz but ADC prescaler and sampling cycles are at max. so we assume there is no problem...
Hello ST Community,we are building STM32CubeIDE projects with Gitlab CI/CD and a Docker-Image.For this we need the STM32CubeIDE installed in the Docker-Image.The Docker-Image is also built with Gitlab CI/CD.Now we want to download the newest STM32Cub...
i want to increase the RPMsg buffer size as suggested in this thread: already tried the following:On the M4:Changing RPMSG_BU...
We created the project for the M4 with CubeMX. We use FreeRTOS with CMSIS_V2 and OpenAMP as Middleware.We assigned TIM1, TIM2 and TIM3 to the M4 and use TIM1 as SYS Timebase Source.The program runs fine if started with or with the SW4...
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