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Forum Posts

Please can anyone show me a register that identifies the family "STM32F10x" of the MCU? I'm not interesting for a Unique device ID register "U_ID".

Hello,I would need a register that systematically identify the family type of the micro "STM32F103ZDT6".In the reference manual there is the Unique device ID register, but it gives a unique identifier to the chip, I would like an identifier that woul...

despo.1 by Associate
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SDRAM Module Tester based on STM32F429

Hello everyone,I need to build a system to test a bunch of existing memory modules built around 512 Mbit SDRAM chips (4 chips each for total of 256 MBytes). The attached schematic shows the original design of the memory module and how it's connected ...

Zaher by Senior II
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Multi-channel on STM32F429DISCO not working

Hello,I use a STM32F429DISCO REVE01 with a MCU STM32F429ZI.I have to use the ADC. On PA0, I connect a sensor with an amplifier and it's work, but when I want tu use ither channel like channel 1 with PA1 pin, that's not work, my value is around 0.Why ...

ABIZO.1 by Associate II
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Debugging the MCU on a NUCLEO-H7A3ZI if 1.8V is selected?

Dear all,It seems like I actually broke two Nucleo 144 with a H7A3 and H723 after I tried to debug the MCU with the on board debugger and after switching the supply voltage for the MCU to 1.8V (no connection from debugger to MCU possible, even not wi...

Bench by Associate III
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