Below is my code:uint8_t line[50]="Application is Running\n";uint8_t Buf[50];uint8_t A=0,B=0; while(! HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_13)); // wait for user button press HAL_Delay(200); strcpy((char*)Buf," \n\nI am in the Loop \n"); HAL_UART_Tra...
FMC is configured to interface asynchronous sram (IS61WV25616, 10ns). FMC 16-bit databus is multiplexed between sram and LCD controller.Data transfer happens using DMA. MCU system clock is 80Mhz. Supply voltage is 3.3VSram and LCD controller is worki...
Hi I'm using STM32F407 development board. I want to syncronize TIM2 and TIM5. I've followed these instructions. Here is my TIM2 initialization function below:void TIM2Config (void) { /*************>>>>>>> STEPS FOLLOWED <<<<<<<<************ 1. Enab...
Hello, I have 2 clarification questions on the default VDDSMPS configuration for the STM32H745:I notice multiple times in the STM32H745xI/G datasheet that "VDDSMPS must be kept the same voltage level as VDD." Similarly, RM0399 also has a note that VD...
Hi everyone,I have an STM32F103C8 and I want to programm it form Arduino IDE app.The board is booted and all neded addons are already installed from the board manager. Although when I upload the code the app gives this error:I've also tried with the...
I am using a U585QI and have some external flash memory connected to an OCTOSPI. We are having some intermittent failures with it, and since we're powering the processor with 1.8v I want to try enabling HSLV for the Data/Clock lines. I found HAL_GP...
Hi,I want to use a lorawan device with my stm32 l053r8 microcontroller.To do this, i reset the lora module initially. In Response I should get the firmware version of the device, but i receive only parts of the string, e.g. some bytes between the st...
I'm trying to use the TSC on the STM32L476rg board. I've been able to view the value on the watch window on Keil and using stmstudio. Now how do I store the values obtained into a text file on my computer along with the timestamp of each reading?