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User FLASH_ERASE not working properly on STM32G071 MCU

I want to write some data into flash memory on STM32G071 MCU as a part of a project. For that, I am using the function 'HAL_FLASHEx_Erase' to erase the pages before writing. While debugging it's working fine. But when I downloaded the code to MCU and...

SJ.7 by Associate
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Resolved! How to generate repeatable One Pulse Waveforms?

Hello everyone,I wish to generate Pulses after a certain delay. I already have generated two Asymmetric PWM waveforms which are phase shifted. Now I wish to trigger another timer in One Pulse Mode. How can I achieve this?I am not able to figure out h...

uartist by Associate II
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Hello all,I have a couple questions please.1- Whish clock is running RTC_ ALRMASSR?2- If I want to get 125 mS alarm what value should I load into RTC_ ALRMASSR?Thanks,Ali.

mmsya by Associate II
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IWDG disable during Sleep/Stop

Hello.I am running STM32L412 microcontroller in low power GSM design. All works great, but I would also want to add watchdog just in case.I am in STOP2 mode most of the time, and I am waiting for interrupts from GSM module or MEMS IRQI configured IW...

0693W00000WHW63QAH.png 0693W00000WHW68QAH.png 0693W00000WHW6DQAX.png
Linas L by Senior II
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Resolved! increment and decrement of 7 segment(0-99 count) using 2 buttons in embedded C on keil microvision 5 and simulation on proteus

Question: Interface two seven-segment LED displays to Port C of STM32F4 MCU that mustincrement and show the rolling of two digits from 00 onwards, to a max of 99, when aswitch SW1 (PB0) is pressed. And must decrement when the user is pressing SW2(PB1...

AMall.4 by Associate II
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Doubt about interrupt priority

Hi, I have a doubt about interrupt priority.Let's say we have two ISRs for two interrupts: interrupt A and interrupt B, where A has a higher priority than B.If the ISR of B is running and an interrupt A arrives, then the ISR B is interrupted, that of...