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Forum Posts

Encoder read error

Hi there!i start to work with a rotary encoder, i configurate a timer 3:in this way and i enable the interrupt . for read the encoder inside the timer interrupt i write nuber= (TIM3->CNT)>>2;so when i read the varible the first time i see 0 - 1- 2- 3...

SGian.1 by Senior
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Resolved! SDIO/EMMC version of STM32 versus EMMC IC version

Hi I want to use an EMMC( INSIGNIS NSEC53K) with STM32F405 SDIO interface. STM32F405 manual says: "Full compliance wit MhultiMediaCard System Specification Version 4.2."the EMMCwe have chosen: INSIGNIS NSEC53K. Its datasheet says:"Compliant with eMMC...

MK..1 by Associate III
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How to send 10-bit message using HAL_SPI_TRANSMIT

I am trying to interface with an AD8400 single channel digital potentiometer. It communicates over SPI and requires 2 address bits and 8 data bits to set its resistance. I am having trouble figuring out how to send a 10-bit message.I have set the dat...

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PMalh.1 by Associate II
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ADC reading on STM32H7B0 CPUs

Hi!I am having problems reading accurate values using the STM32H7B0 CPU. I have identical boards with STM32H7A3 and STM32H7B0 CPUs and the results from the B0 boards are off by a lot. I have also tried to run the ADC in 12 vs 16 bit mode and the scal...

Resolved! How to Trigger DMA from a TIM with HAL

Hi,I am trying to have a DMA move one unit of data every time the timer finishes it's counting period. The DMA would be circular so it would continually do this. I am going to be moving from a buffer to the CCR register of a pwm output. I saw a HA...

FKopp.1 by Associate II
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