Hello,I'm using the NUCLEO-G474RE development board and trying to set the DBANK option byte. I can do that using STM32CubeProgrammer without any issues, and everything works as it should.But when I try to do that in the firmware using the HAL functi...
stm32cubeidei set as attached files, save and it generate codes by itself, then add codes for blinking and then building , finally debugging ...no blinking at all ...
While attempting to enable the divide by zero floating point interrupt, I ran into an issue with the U5:All SYSCFG registers are RAZ/WI even though TZEN is 0 and system is in privileged mode Initially, a call was made to LL_SYSCFG_EnableIT_FPU_DZC to...
Hi, device: STM32G031F6 What efficient way could forward RX data of SPI2 to TX of SPI2, and RX of SPI1 to TX of SPI2?And also, this device itself has a fixed buffer to send over SPI2 TX to another master device. I think this will require some kind of...
While in debug mode if I step through the HAL init functions (the first one I have trouble with is COMP1_Init()) I get stuck in a loop that does nothing but decrement a counter. There is no timer associated with the loop it just looks like a while(ti...
It was hanging in many of the initiaization routines. There was a problem with the clock. I had an external 16 MHz crystal So I switched back to the internal and it got past that one for now. It got through MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC1_Ini...
Hello,We activated Readout Protection (level1) on MCU, and cannot revert it.When trying to revert it, it gives "Could not set Option bytes! Please reset the target and retry."error message on ST Link Utility v4.6.0.0.We tried to search the net simila...
Hello,I'm trying to setup interrupts using the user push button (B1) on the Nucleo-F429ZI board. The push button is connected to the microcontroller through the I/O line PC13.What I did is that I mapped the PC13 to the GPIO_EXTI15 in STM32CubeMX and ...