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Resolved! Hello, I'm having troubles changing the baudrate of my UART2 configuration. It is initially set to 921600 bps and a bit duration is 1.08us = 1/921600bps, which is fine. However, trying to double this value seems impossible.

In MX, at first, I changed the sample rate to 8 bits to double the baudrate. The code was successfully generated, compiled and downloaded. The communication still exists, but the baudrate is still the same as before, with a bit duration of 1.08us.The...

PMach.1 by Senior
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Resolved! I2C DMA endless while loop.

Hi I am having some issues where my MCU ( stm32f030C8T6 ) seems to get stuck in a while loop when using I2C1 and a AS5600 IC.I will paste the code below but give some more detail on the issue here.In the function named "void I2C1_Write_DMA(uint8_t sl...

table by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L4P5RG debugging in low power mode

I'm trying to debug the board based on STM32L4P5RG in low power mode using the SEGGER tools (J-Link, RTT viewer, SystemView)The device enters the low power mode periodically using the callHAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_...

Alex7 by Associate
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Using STM32 IoT Cloud service as standalone?

Hi!I am prototyping and need something very simple to control e.g. LEDs, reading a sensor and handle provisioning.Can I use ST's IoT cloud standalone without Azure, AWS etc? Is there some simple step-by-step guide available about registration and how...

Resolved! Migrating from Quad SPI STM32H750 to Octo SPI STM32H733

Background: We have a board that uses Quad SPI on STM32H750 to interface with Macronix MX25L12833F Flash.  We are using the flash to support a large firmware image (with XIP). We are attempting to take this hardware and drop in STM32H733.  Doing this...

SMoon.2 by Associate III
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External Loader - stldr ERROR PARSING FAIL

Hello,I am attempting to make an external loader for a QuadSPI flash S25FL256SAGMFI000 using the STM32F769 and STM32CubeIDE.I followed this tutorial: was able to run the code t...

JOHNROSE by Associate II
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how to configure HSI in STM32L5...

Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to configure my evaluation board HSI, I have this code and I would like to adapt it on my evaluation card and see if it is compatible with the rest :  // HSI // void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_...

DYann.1 by Senior II
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