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Forum Posts

Can MPU be reprogrammed during runtime ?

Hello, I use STM32F746 , touchgfx, SDRAM, NORFLASH in my project. I use MPU and I make configurations in CUBEMX and I have MPU_Config() funciton in my main.c. I wonder that;  is MPU one time programmable after reset or can I  reconfig MPU during runt...

Epamuk by Associate III
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Resolved! NVIC TIM / I2C DMA Priority issue

Hello Community, I am using a STM32F411, 2 timer with global interrupt and preemption priority of 0 are executing a timing critical process to bitbang a GPIO port.4uS timer periodAnd a I2C DMA process to update a SSD1306 screen I2C and DMA interrupt ...

vbesson by Senior
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DMX512 control with STM32

i have done the dmx512 receiving in the stm32 but now i am trying to make it robust , when i connect disconnect the cable many times the data in my buffer changes for a second which effects in the flickering i am using the framing error methoodi will...

Aniket by Associate II
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STM32L051 UART Frame error

Hi, i have some troubles with UART receive, unfortunately I had no explanation. I am new with STM32 MCU. Here is the issue:The communication was working fine after power on, until the MCU access the EEPROM or when I tried to pause in debug mode. Aft...

VNong by Associate II
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Unable to program STM32H573I-DK

Hello everyone,I was just given an STM32H573I-DK to test some of the provided examples.The issue I have that, after successfully building the project I cannot flash the binary on the device.The tests I did are:Flashing via STM32CubeIDE that returns"T...

pisqu0 by Associate
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Resolved! DMA mapping for STM32F407 series

What is the meaning of These requests are available on STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx only for DMA1 and These requests are available on STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx for DMA2.What should ı use for the mapping ?  


U599 + W25Q64 Flash QUADSPI External Loader Errors

Referring to AN5050 as well as an online guide for creating a QuadSPI loader for a W25Q32 flash IC, I have written code for a W25Q64 flash IC that I am interfacing in QuadSPI mode using the OctoSPI peripheral on the U599.When I try reading the flash ...

Hareesh_S by Associate III
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OPTVERR bit seems to be erroneously set, why?

We are seeing a situation where the OPTVERR bit is unexpectedly set after power reset. We've checked and all the complement words in the Flash area for the option bytes are set correctly, so no corruption there. The description in the reference manua...

AVoel.1 by Associate III
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