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STM32F030 cant be flashed with openOCD

I'm tring to work with a STM32F030F4. Unfortunately I didn't manage to flash the application on the controller. I'm using openOCD with a ST-Link.I use the following to start openOCD: openocd.exe -f interface\stlink-v2.cfg -f target\stm32f0x.cfgI now ...

stm32H73** sleep mode

Hi, My test board can enter sleep mode OK, but doesn't wake up when PC13 goes high: (never reach __enable_irq())  void Sleep() { __disable_irq(); SysTick->CTRL = 0; // Enable WKUP4 (PC13) PWR->WKUPEPR = PWR_WKUPEPR_WKUPEN4; // Enable WKUP4 PWR->WKU...

harareyd by Associate
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change of dead band issue in PWM

Hi,i was trying to change dead time from (244 value to 100) for every 10ms in a loop. But its not updating , the set dead time is 244 in the PWM waveform. Though my dead band register ( DTG) is updating  at every 10ms. I am updating TIM1->DTR2  if(en...

Sushmita by Associate II
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, ETH[FIN, ACK] and HTTP GET retransmissions

Good morning. I'm running an STM32F767Zi on a custom board, LwIP 2.1.2, no OS. The device acts as a HTTP server. I've got an issue where I get GET requests and [FIN, ACK] packets retransmitted by the web browser. - Client192.168.5.196 - ...

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pelgrimo by Associate
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STM32U LPTIM Autonomous Mode

I am using the LPTIM3 with LSEAn external input is used to trigger a capture.The STM32U575  spends most of the time in STOP MODE 2.To keep the LSE active in the LPTIM use the following instruction:_HAL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKAM_ENABLE(); // SET_BIT(RCC->SRDAM...

dhs by Senior
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Power consumption of my HW

good morning,I am actually working on my STM32G431KB, I will use the power consumption tool of STM32cube once my code is complete but I would like to know if for now my calculations are correct.I want to use my board to power up 11 different sensor  ...

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Jad by Senior
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