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Resolved! Doubt regarding Moving Average Problem is STM32

Hi,I want to compute the moving average of an IR sensor and set the brightness of an LED and im taking input values from read and I have set up an a timer interrupt which gets triggered every 100ms, and with this trigger I'm saving the read values in...

STM32F105 can bus FIFO didn't receive Extended ID

HiI am new at stm32 and build my can bus code i can receive and loop std id message between can1 and can 2 without problems. But when i send extended ID FIFO didn't receive them so didn't loop to another cansetup stm32f105transreceiver actual TJA1055...

GK2 by Associate
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ST7920 GLCD with STM32F401RE via I2C

Im trying to use ST7920 GLCD with STM32F401RE with I2C connection, im still new with programming so im trying to find a library when using I2C, most videos and libraries i found are for SPI connections.if anyone has a library pls help thank you

Qsdxkh by Associate II
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16-bit addresses register in i2c stm32

hii want to write in AT24C512 with stm32f103c8 i send my code.HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, 0XA0, 0X11FA,I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT ,   &write_data, 1, 100);For example, I want to put the value of write_data on 0x11FA, and I specify the memory address as 16 b...

ssham.11 by Associate
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Not getting expected output on TIM1CH1?

I have TIM1 clocked at 20MHZ, PSC = 20000 - 1, ARR = 1000 - 1, RCR = 2 -1 .....I have Channel 1 as Output Compare CH1....I have TRGO set to Output Compare (OC1REF). Finally to validate what I hope TRGO is doing (since there is no way to see TRGO dire...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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STM32U575 FMAC DMA wong amount of bytes

I have experimented with STM32U575Z using FMAC. I run the FMAC doing a convolution (sFmacConfig.Filter = FMAC_FUNC_CONVO_FIR) I run the FMAC in DMA mode. I registerd a HAL_FMAC_OUTPUT_DATA_READY Callback But it is never triggered. According to AN5593...

Basic timer questions STM32L476?

Hello all...Can someone give me direct answers below...(And please don't refer me to documentation as I have scoured thru it and not solved my questions)I would like some clarity as I have found no documentation to clarify the following:When using co...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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Resolved! X-CUBE-EEPROM Is it possible to remove routine which writes 64bit zeros on every restart of the device? (It writes 64bits of 0 during EE_Init - due to data recovery mechanism).

I am using X-CUBE-EEPROM software to emulate EEPROM in flash memory of the MCU.It is running on STM32G070RB. This MCU has endurance only 1 kcycle.We would like to store only a few variables (about 10) to the virtual eeprom. I expect that the main app...

RMala.2 by Associate II
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