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Resolved! STM32H vbat

Hello everybody,My name is Rego, as a hobby I work on displays, image processing, etc...I'm not very familiar with ST, but I'm really enjoying these MCU. I've already implemented RTC using VBAT and it works very well. Now I want SRAM backup,On batter...

Hi I have a small problem with SAI and DMA.

I have a small problem if I use SAI DMA in circular mode, the first time it fills up the buffer, it works fine, but after it looks like it is the right data levels, but just that some are omitted.the top chart is DMA filling up the buffer, (first run...

spa23 by Associate III
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Resolved! Problems with the F103 hardware I2C

A year ago I heard from a friend that there was a problem with the STM32F103's hardware I2C. All the ones I found on the internet said there was no problem with the hardware I2C of the ST, but not the F103 series. So, I have two questions. First, I w...

Resolved! HAL I2S Receive DMA mode stuck in BUSY mode

On a stm32 mcu, using HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA the clock generation is started. At first, the application went into a hard fault and nothing is subsequently written in the data receive buffer.HardFault_Handler:08000942:  push  {r7}08000944:  add   r7, sp,...

jess by Associate II
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MCP2515 Module Library

Hello,I would like to use MCP2515 module which can be found here. Is there any tested official or nonoffical library that I can use with stm32f429-disco developer kit? Thanks inadvanced.

Öyild.1 by Associate II
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