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Hi,I am using STM32H743 Nucleo to interface 9 analog sensors on different ADC channels of ADC1. ADC1 is configured as:hadc1.Instance = ADC1; hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV6; hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_16B; hadc1.Init.Scan...
Hi,I want to interface two SPI peripherals on the same STM32H743 nucleo, am configuring SPI1 as Master and other as Slave and connecting them with each other. Am transmitting in polling mode via SPI1 and receiving in interrupt mode on SPI3. I am rece...
Hi, Am interfacing STM32H743 FDCAN classic with STM32F7 CAN. When I tried transmitting data from F7 to H7, within a minute H7 stop receiving data. I also tried debug the problem on F7 side and found that breakpoint hit on following condition inside t...
Hi,I am using STM32H743VI MCU for running a BLDC motor. When I debug and run the code without connecting the motor then I can able to debug the code and I also printing some messages on the UART, its working fine. As soon as I connect the motor with ...
Hi,I want to interface 3-phase DC motor's hall sensor with STM32H74x MCU. I found a timer's hall sensor mode in a document but I don't have any example code to get start with it.Can anyone please provide a reference or pseudo code for it.Thanks in ad...