Hi there.I have been reading UM2576 - GDB Server Usage and am wondering how I can configure STM32 Cube IDE to start a debug session using the --persistant option, as described in the GDB server start-up options section on page 214:-e, --persistantSpe...
Using a STM32G0F06I have a bootloader/application that I am debugging. I am facing a strange problem. Often, I command the app to drop to bootloader (via a software reset). When I execute the software reset code, occasionally the core locks up.Here i...
Scenario is that I am debugging my application using ST-Link V2.The device enters stop mode (with debugging still enabled). If I then add a breakpoint while the device is in stop mode, I immediately trigger a hard fault ISR.This is new behaviour tha...
Update: To get it to work, do a fresh install of the IDE, untick the CDT site in "Available Software Sites" (Help->Install New Software then "Manage"), and then install DevStyle from marketplaceSister issue on the Genuitec forum site: https://www...
I have STM32CubeMonitor v1.4.0 installed on my home computer and work computer.On my home computer, there is an option called "Manage Palette" which allows me to add additional nodes from nodered online resourcesOn my work coputer, there is no such o...
Actually, I just figured out why this behaviour was occurring. This is from the STM32G030F6 device errata sheet: I fixed it by:Flashing the app I wanted to debugdisconnecting the debuggerpower cycling the pcbaconnecting the debugger (after app had a...
The problem is that I have the option bytes configured to not care about the BOOT0 input (see screenshot below). From my research it seems like this should be impossible?
haha just re-read my last response. I dictated that to the voice assistant, and it did a pretty hilarious job.To see if SRAM retention is working or not, you can either change you linkerscript's memory map and startup initialization code to have a "...