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Forum Posts

Resolved! Output Capture not working to blink LED on NUCLEO-C031C6

I am trying to implement output capture using the LL APIs but cannot get it to blink the LED every one second on the NUCLEO board, however, I cannot get it to blink at all. Is there a register I missed?Here is my code:#include "stm32c0xx_ll_bus.h"#in...

HPate.12 by Associate II
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Discovery L0538 UART2 RX Pin Stuck Low?

Using a Discovery L0538, and want to make use of the 2nd UART (really only need the RX on pin PA3). I noted in the User Manual that to disable the onboard touch sensor and use this pin, I need to jump solder bridge SB24 (which I did, alng with the ot...

nobbyv77 by Associate II
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Resolved! ST BLE Toolbox: How to use the environment

Hello,I am working with the Nucleo Bluetooth boards (NUCLEO-F401RE + NUCLEO-IDB05A2) and I want to test some custom code I'm writing to make sure I understand how to use the X-CUBE-BLE software package. To do this, I am trying to use the ST BLE Toolb...

KMew by Senior III
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Resolved! STM32C031C6 Timer Input Capture

I'm attempting to do a simple Input Capture using Timer1. I thought as a start I would generate a single 200uS pulse using a Signal Generator and use Timer1 to detect it. I can't seem to get the capture to work no matter what I do.I tried using HAL a...

MHank.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! DFSDM Output resolution

When I use DFSDM, I configure FOSR= 256 ISOR=1 and the output is outside the range in the reference guide +-16777216

GWenJ.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Can I run EEPROM_Emulation on the STM32L552CCT6?

X-CUBE-EEPROM v5.0.0 includes a sample for NUCLEO-STM32L552ZE-Q.I am trying to use this sample for STM32552CCT6 to run EEPROM Emulation, but the EE_Init() execution results in an error.To begin with, is it possible to operate EEPROM_Emulation with ST...

tsato.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! ADC output suddenly becomes constant

Hello,I'm using the ADC on a STM32G431 to read 5 voltages at 20kHz. Everything works well, but suddenly the 5 channels "get stuck" or freeze, i.e. the value they measure becomes constant even though the voltages on the input pins still fluctuate. Som...

ikrosoft by Associate II
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