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Resolved! STM32 RTC Wakeup interrupt not working?

I am trying to do RTC wakeup interrupt using STM32L412RBT6 microcomtroller in baremetal c, but the interrupt is not firing, below mentioning my main(void){ LedConfig(); Tim6Config(); RTC_ClockConfig(); RTC_Init();  /* Loop forever */ while(1...

SSaiy.1 by Associate III
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SPI TXE or RXNE never goes to 1

helloI am using an STM32F7 series microcomputer.with SPI peripheralsIf writeable, write to the data register,After that, if it is readable, it is reading from the data register.The image in the code is like below,Writeable, readable loops infinitely ...

Ebun.1 by Senior
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SPI Clock goes low when Cable Select does

Hello, I am interfacing with a peripheral where code exists for Arduino, but using it as reference for STM32. The SPI mode is 3. The Arduino code works, so I am attempting to reproduce it's methods for communication. An issue I am seeing is tha...

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Resolved! unexpected output

Below is my code:uint8_t line[50]="Application is Running\n";uint8_t Buf[50];uint8_t A=0,B=0;  while(! HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_13)); // wait for user button press  HAL_Delay(200);  strcpy((char*)Buf," \n\nI am in the Loop \n");  HAL_UART_Tra...

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RS009 by Associate III
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Resolved! How to syncronize timers?

Hi I'm using STM32F407 development board. I want to syncronize TIM2 and TIM5. I've followed these instructions. Here is my TIM2 initialization function below:void TIM2Config (void) { /*************>>>>>>> STEPS FOLLOWED <<<<<<<<************ 1. Enab...

STM32H745 VDDSMPS Default Configuration?

Hello, I have 2 clarification questions on the default VDDSMPS configuration for the STM32H745:I notice multiple times in the STM32H745xI/G datasheet that "VDDSMPS must be kept the same voltage level as VDD." Similarly, RM0399 also has a note that VD...

NLuon.3 by Associate
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