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Forum Posts

Timing issue when TIM10 interrupts HAL IWDG macro

I am using a STM32F746VET6 to drive time critical signals on up to 14 pins. I am bit banging these signals in the ISR. I was surprised to find after a benign change I started to have jitter in these signals. I tracked it down to the ISR firing during...

RBack.1 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32H743 Incorrect ADC measurement.

I am having some issues getting meaningful values out of my ADC. At the moment I am capturing ADC samples with the polling mode with the ADC pin being set to approximately 3.2v and 0v. When I check the sample results I am seeing around 20000 for capt...

AMerc.8 by Associate II
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SPI Transmitting and Receiving Data Not Matching

Hello,I control an ADC with SPI interface of the STM32F44 microcontroller. The ADC datasheet is in the link, . I set up global variables as read, write, and calibrate masks. The I call t...

AE104 by Senior
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QSPI External flash loader

"I want to make a QSPI flash loader and I'm watching ST's video series (it's a bit old). I'm using an STM32F446RE. Are the function prototypes shown in the video sufficient for the flash loader to work? Do you have any advice you can give me?"

High sampling rate with ADC and no DMA

Hello All,I have some questions regarding the ADC of the STM32G071RBT6. Technically we can reach a conversion time of 400 ns if we use the internal ADC clock (35 MHz) and a sampling time of 1.5 cyc. OK, that's pretty good idealy.I am running my micro...

izamfx by Associate
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