STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


Detect what kinda edge currently is...

Hello guys, i am using the code below (input capture mode, timer 3) because i need measure the high and low pulses, but i am not sure how to know which edge generate the interrupt, i have configured the timer with both edges, but in the interrupt cod...

RComa.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN_Error_Code doesnt really do anyting? (stm32f0xx)

Hi im trying to develop a bit of error management in my canbus driver.I noticed there is an ErrorCode inside the canbus structure. That error code could have any of these values:  But it turns out the hcan.ErrorCode is always HAL_CAN_ERROR_NONE, even...

0693W00000QKGYhQAP.png 0693W00000QKGaEQAX.png
Javier1 by Principal
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Resolved! Dynamic exception priority change in STM32 Cortex-M4

I am using the timer interrupt and currently, it has priority 3 once I get into the ISR then I want to change the priority to 2. I have used like below but the priority not changing.NVIC->IPR[6] |= NVIC_IPR6_PRI_25 & 0x22222222;__dsb(0);In above, __d...

Harish1 by Associate III
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I have a P-L496G-CELL02 pack with STM32L496AG MCU with LTE Cellular Expansion board. I downloaded the package FP-ATR-LTE1 and imported the package into STM32IDE. The build fails with error.

Here's the error that I get:"c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.9.0\stm32cubeide\plugins\\tools\arm-none-eabi\bin\ld.exe: cannot use executable file '../../../../../Boo...

IJosa.1 by Associate
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I am using NUCLEO-H723ZG and I am trying to use SPI the spi3 as SPI MASTER to the SPI SALVE device without success using DMA. I see the perfect data in the MISO line, But I unable to receive it into the "rx_buf", always "ZERO".

static void MX_SPI1_Init(void){ /* SPI3 parameter configuration*/ SpiHandle.Instance = SPI1; SpiHandle.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; SpiHandle.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES; SpiHandle.Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT; SpiHandle.Init.CLK...

ESega.1 by Associate II
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STM32H743 Config JTAG PB4 As Gpio Output?

hi when i use normal configuration for define this pin(PB4 in STM32H743) as GPIO output a problem occurs in the program.This pin is connected to the JTAG port and i use only SWD mode and pull up this pin by 10k to VCC.plz help me to config this pin a...

Natali by Associate III
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STM32H750 flash access

Hi,I have two questions regarding STM32H750:1) I would like to pre-burn its internal flash with a simple code that enable XIP (execute in place) from external SPI flash and jump to some initial address on this external flash. Then I like to permanent...

EZido.1 by Associate
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Delay between UART TX frames at high speed

I am sending a fixed-sized buffer (512 byte) at 8 Mbits/s via UART out of an STM32F3, and I am experiencing what it seems to be a fixed delay (~ 2-3 bit periods) between consecutive frames. In the screenshot below, after sending the dummy value 01010...

LucaP by Associate II
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