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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F407 Timer Update Frequency is Divided by Two

Hello everyone. I'm trying to use the TIM6 as a timer at 1 kHZ. However the result I get is 500 Hz. I couldn't figure out why. I maxed the CPU clock speed at 168kHZ, which gives me the result of 84MHz APB1 Timer Clock. I calculated the auto reload va...

MrEmou by Associate II
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Connect STM32CubeU5 B-U585I-IOT02A to WPA-2 Enterprise

Hi everyone,I'm quite new to the STM hardware and embedded programming in general. My goal is to connect the B-U585I-IOT02A to a WPA-2 Enterprise WIFI (it needs to be that standard).I found the examples in the git repository about connecting to WIFI ...

JGens.1 by Associate II
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I/O monitoring with JTAG/SWD

I would like to monitor in real-time the state of the pins on my board (STM32F407D-DISC1) for a HIL (hardware in the loop) application.To do so I want to use the TAPs of the JTAG. I've found in the AN4989 application note that the JTAG was not suppor...

AMabi.1 by Associate III
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